Parryware pot comes to O&M
IT IS a lock, stock and barrel movement of the Parryware brand, part of the $1.6-billion-plus Murugappa group, to ad agency Ogilvy and Mather. This means the 40-year-old association with brand-builder JWT has come a full circle. Parryware’s intention to create a noise in the market has been wowing the advertisement circles in the south. Close on the heels of its pact with the Spanish sanitary giant Roca, Parryware, attempting to address future challenges, has given the task of managing the multi-brand to Ogilvy. The dress-up of newer campaigns for the sanitaryware major will mean a top-to-bottom brand spend of Rs 25 crore to Rs 30 crore a year. Confirming the development, Parryware CEO K E Ranganathan told ET “It is all about brand integration and the need to infuse fresh thinking. With Roca as our partner, we would like to offer to our customers an integrated and wholesome package, catering to the aspirations.” On choosing O&M over other agencies, he said Ogilvy had come out with a brilliant concept, connecting the emotional and the aspirational aspects of the brand. “Basically, now our approach has got a multinational character and our challenges are different. Domestic market would be our major focus and the new marriage would provide a fresh character to the brand,” he added. The current market size of the Indian sanitaryware business is estimated to be Rs 1,300 crore, growing annually at 12%. The market size of the premium bathroom segment alone is Rs 100 crore, growing at 25% each year. Parryware as market leader commands 46% marketshare in the domestic sanitaryware market. End-December, Parryware began the process of asking agencies to pitch in and by the second half of January, the presentations were made by Ogilvy & Mather, Rediffusion, Mudra. Old brand builder JWT too was asked to pitch. “We got the unofficial confirmation sometime in February. The company felt the necessity to include a fresh perspective given its new status owing to the joint venture with Roca,” O&M president Prakash Dharmarajan told EThere on Saturday. In a competitive market, the real estate boom has created a clutter of imported brands and everyone aspires to make the most of it. “Creative is an integral part of our communication. We would be different and our challenge is to provide cutting-edge work. This would also mean adding creativity,” he added.
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