Will big retail in India undermine big brands?
YES, big retail will undermine big consumer brands. Today, it is the honeymoon period. Retail needs the big consumer brands to generate footfalls and revenue, and big consumer brands are overjoyed that their products which were relegated to the back of poorly maintained and dusty shelves have now got a visibility and presence they never had before. Consumers are rewarding the stores by opening their wallets or swiping their credit cards with an enthusiasm, which they have not evidenced before. But how long will this honeymoon continue? How long will it take for retail to recognise the power in their hands? That they can breathe new life into medium-sized brands, that consumers will be more demanding for choice, and certainly some would be actively seeking greater value from the retailer’s own brands? Even before big retail became a reality, we saw the rumblings of a power-struggle between retailers banded together through trade associations and consumer goods manufacturers refusing to stock a new product, demanding a higher margin, asking to be paid for window-displays. The battle seems inevitable - retail would want to be compensated for the investments they are making in infrastructure, while consumer brands would be scurrying for a place on the shelves and willing to pay for this privilege. Margin pressure because of the scale of purchasing offered by the big retail, intense competition among brands and the threat of private labels, is imminent. Today, the threat by big retail in cities like
For more on Retail India visit www.retailindia.tv
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